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The 8th ASEAN Cooperative Forum (ACBF) on 26-27 February 2019, Bangkok, Thailand

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“The 8th ASEAN Cooperative Business Forum (ACBF) was organised by ASEAN Centre for the Development of Agricultural Development (ACEDAC) Focal Point Thailand, the Cooperative Promotion Department, Ministry of Agriculture Thailand in Bangkok from 26 to 27 February 2019.

This forum was a place for cooperatives and other stakeholders to promote their leading and distinguished products. This forum is expected to facilitate potential partnership in the future.

The 8th ACBF was attended by representatives from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, and Thailand. Representatives from AFOSP MTCP 2 (AFA), ASEAN Foundation, DGRV, and farmer organisations/agricultural cooperatives from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, and Viet Nam, were also present. The 9th ACBF will be organized by Brunei Darussalam.”










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icon aseanCooperative Promotion Department, Thailand

Address: 12, Krung Kasem Rd., Wat Sam Phraya, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok, 10200, Thailand

Tel: +66 2628 5515 E-Mail: [email protected]